The Panna Plus team of engineers and technicians specializes in researching and developing new and upcoming technologies. As a sub-contractor and equipment supplier, Panna Plus participated in the development of Guardiaris’s most advanced multipurpose indoor training solution SATT − The Small Arms Tactical Trainer. This game-changing, completely modular, multi-purpose, indoor small arms training solution provides marksmanship and tactical training under a limitless array of realistic scenarios. SATT ensures versatile, cost-effective training that boosts shooters’ cognitive abilities through proficiency-based learning and expert evaluation.
SATT consists of a projection area comprised of special, standalone, curved screen modules that can form a projection wall of up to 300°. A five-screen shooting range for marksmanship enables a cylindrical layout for tactical, or a shooting-house setup for special forces training. Guardiaris’s groundbreaking SAS Module supports training with all types of small arms, lightweapons, or support weapons. This results in exceptionally diverse training in any facility of appropriate size and furthermore, an outstanding After-Action Review system.